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COVID-19 Information

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we have instituted an even stricter set of infection control policies to ensure our office is as safe as it can possibly be. We realize that some of these policies can be inconvenient, and hope that you understand that we implement them with both yours and our safety in mind.

1) We ask that you call to reschedule upcoming appointments if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms, have had close contact with someone recently diagnosed with Covid-19 or have recently tested positive for Covid-19.

2) For the time being, we minimizing time spent in our in-office lobby and we can no longer offer magazines, coffee or tea.

3) Both patients and staff are required to wear a mask at all times once in the office. Patients of course can take off masks when in the dental chair.

4) On entering our office, we appreciate you using the automatic hand sanitizer dispenser by the front door. Inside treatment rooms, we are asking that patients rinse with a Chlorhexadine anti-viral mouthwash for 30 seconds before starting treatment.

5) During treatment, all dental staff will be wearing both N95 masks and surgical masks, as well as gowns and face shields. Research has shown this both keeps us incredibly well protected from infection and makes us incredibly hard to understand. We are happy to repeat anything we say that gets muffled by our masks!

6) Due to added ensuite filtration and in office air conditioning, we estimate that the air in each treatment room is completely filtered every 5-10 minutes. Therefore, we attempt to leave operatories empty for 10 minutes between patients. We apologize for any delay this may cause. As an added precaution, are keeping our windows open as long as the weather allows, so if it is a bit cold, be sure to bundle up!

7) Our staff are constantly being tested for Covid. As far as we know, we have yet to have either a patient or staff member enter our office with Covid-19. We can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate all of you for helping to keep Covid out of our office and feel very blessed to live in a community which cares so much about keeping each other safe and healthy.